An Overview of Rehab Programs

In America, substance abuse is a severe issue that scores Americans are currently facing. In 2017, National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) did a study recognizing more than 20.7 million Americans who were 12 years of age or older had a substance abuse disorder. Out of all the cases reported, only about 19 percent or four million people received treatment for their substance abuse.

An unfortunate truth about substance abuse is that a large portion of people who have the disorder do not believe that treatment is necessary or beneficial. In fact, only about one million people who required treatment but did not seek it believe that a rehab program would be beneficial to them. The truth is, rehab can be a vital resource for people who are suffering from a substance abuse disorder like a drug or alcohol addiction.

Common Signs of Substance Abuse

Identifying substance abuse or drug addiction is one of the first steps that is required before treatment can begin. In many cases, a person’s behaviors and physiological chemistry will be altered by the negative effects of a substance abuse disorder. Eventually, this can lead to dependency where the afflicted is unable to avoid drug or alcohol use despite the health risks of overuse. 

There are a number of different legal opioids that can be highly addictive when overused. For example, oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine and morphine are all legal opioids. Although both legal and illegal drugs can be abused, illegal substances can lead to legal risks in addition to health risks.

In some cases, drug dependency can be easily identified in yourself or with people you interact with frequently, but sometimes the symptoms may be more difficult to notice. Furthermore, symptoms of substance abuse can differ depending on age and other factors like physical and mental health. Some common signs and behaviors include:

  • Feeling an urge to use drugs or alcohol regularly and finding it difficult to concentrate on anything other than using drugs.
  • Needing to use stronger drugs or larger doses in order to get the same physiological effect.
  • Continuing to use drugs even though they have been causing issues with your personal life, work, school or health.
  • Having difficulties quitting drugs or experiencing withdrawals every time you try to stop.
  • Using drugs even though you are financially struggling and the cost has become unaffordable.

Depending on the drug being used, the symptoms may vary. For instance, drugs that are classified as hallucinogens, stimulants, barbiturates, opioids and other types will have differing effects on a person’s physical and mental state in addition to their behavior socially.

What are some methods of treating drug addictions?

Entering a rehabilitation facility is one of the most effective ways to treat addictions, but substance abuse can be complicated and require a variety of different approaches. In order for a rehab treatment to be successful, the patient is required to avoid using any addictive substances and be sober while also being productive in his or her work and personal life.

Since addiction is a disease, treating it can be difficult but it is always possible. Certain drugs and alcohol tend to have an effect on the part of your brain that focuses on motivation, memory, reward systems, learning and controlling behavior. People with addictions must remain in treatment and continue to avoid drugs for a long enough period that they begin to experience a change in their behavior and the function of their brain. 

People with substance abuse issues should also consider that fact that certain treatments are more effective on some people than on others. No one method will cure addiction in everyone. In many cases, a combination of different types of therapies may produce a better result. Some effective treatment plans will include some of the following therapy types:

  • Using medications that are designed to help drug users to transition from using substances that are addictive
  • Mental health counseling that can be used to address the underlying issues that led to their addiction
  • Counseling that focuses on mental health issues such as anxiety or depression that tend to come with substance abuse
  • Regular monitoring of conditions in addition to follow-up appointments that can help to reduce the chances of relapse

What is a rehab program?

Rehabilitation is one of the most effective methods of treating addiction to drugs or alcohol, but it is not the only one. Depending on the program, the specific components of rehab can differ but the overall good of entering rehab is to:

  • Perform a detoxification in addition to removing any presence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Changing personal behaviors that typically lead to substance dependency.
  • Developing new techniques to cope instead of abusing drugs or alcohol.

The term “rehab” is used in a general sense in order to describe a variety of different intensive but supervised programs used to address the cause of a patient’s substance abuse. Some common techniques used during rehab programs include inpatient and outpatient services, clinical visits, group therapy, individual counseling and more. 

How do I know if rehab is right for me?

For many people, it can be extremely difficult to gauge if they have a substance abuse problem and how serious it is. One effective method to identify substance abuse is to discuss the matter with a doctor or other substance abuse professional who will be able to help determine if rehab is the best option for their circumstances. Some other specialists that may be able to assist patients with their substance abuse issues include:

  • Licensed clinical social workers.
  • Psychologists.
  • Mental health experts.
  • Addiction counselors.

If you are looking for the most accurate medical advice, you want to ensure that you are speaking with licensed and certified professionals. While there may be people claiming to be experts on drug abuse, you should try to receive medical advice from trained professionals for an accurate assessment. Since drug addiction is a complex and multi-faceted medical issue, your treatment will require you a lot of time and discipline.